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12So far, we have concerned ourselves with (Sacksian) transcendental arguments. Specifically, we have seen how, in order to bring into view necessary conditions of world-directed representation, (Sacksian) transcendental arguments combine the rigour of well-known rules of inference (e.g. modus ponens) with imaginative perspectival representations (which Sacks calls “situated thoughts”, and which I call “perspectival thoughts”). I now wish to introduce, by analogy with the brief perspectival account of transcendental argumentation given above, the notion of transcendental thought experiment. Today I’m trying to show you, by quickly annotating the earlier figures, the difference between thinking about Open Life from a philosophical and from a direct political point of view. If you are following this blog you might have noticed that I got fairly political recently (even given talks), and actively thinking about how to introduce and represent longevity within politics, also making some commitments along the way. So it is important to demonstrate here the difference between the two kinds of thinking.
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